Lilium regale Wilson 1912
Restricted to a considerably small area in China (Sichuan);
preferred at river banks
Dutch breeders produced a very robust Lilium regale, which is certainly the toughest garden lily ever. This cultivar no longer has much in common with the Chinese Lilium regale. It was therefore our endeavor to return to Chinese origin, to multiply it and present it finally.
sowing Lilium regale # 1 Chi (11.16) (Lreg1)
source: Chiltern Seeds, UK
25% germination, seedlings (could be of Dutch origin)
propagation stopped due to doubts in reliability of the species
sowing Lilium regale # 2 MHo (11.16) (Lreg2)
source: Markus Hohenegger, Austria
failed, viability expired
sowing Lilium regale # 3 FR ´11.16 (Lreg3)
given up, could have been genetically contaminated with Dutch regale
sowing Lilium regale (4n) # 4 PW (01.17) (Lreg4)
source: Pontus Wallstén, Switzerland
less than 25% germination (03.17)
sowing Lilium regale (4n) # 6 PW (12.19) (Lreg6)
source: Pontus Wallstén, Switzerland
given up due to contamination (03.20)
re-sow (01.21)
germination (02.21)
tc (04.22)
sowing Lilium regale Chen Yi # 5 LSF (11.18) (Lreg5)
source: Lilium species Foundation, USA
almost 50% germination (12.18)
sowing Lilium regale Sechuan China # 1 Slk (11.16) (LregSlk1)
75% germination
purpose: medium-testing, no further propagation meant for species´ distribution
product-image Lilium regale in courtesy of Steven Garvie