Lilium pumilum (Golden Gleam strain)



Lilium pumilum de Candolle 1812

China, Korea, Mongolia, Russia; forest margins, grassy slopes

Lilium pumilum

Laboratory comment:
It has little sense only propagating Lilium pumilum in-vitro or even more to perform it on tissue-culture. Lilium pumilum is inflationarily available on the plant-market, no sign of any risk getting extinct in its natural, widespread habitats.
Yet we keep sowing Lilium pumilum to test new nutrient media and additives, observing the seedlings´ reactions as the seeds germinate fast.
But finally, there is our aim of laboratory-work for two clone-strains: Lilium pumilum Golden Gleam, an orange-yellow clone, which we already keep successfully in tissue- culture.
And Lilium pumilum Yellow Bunting, a purely yellow Lilium pumilum which, too, comes true from seeds.

sowing Lilium pumilum Golden Gleam McRae# 1 LSF (11.18) (LpumGG1)
source: McRae-stock, Lilium Species Foundation, USA
almost 100% germination, seedlings –> tissue-culture (05.20)
tissue-culture (09.20)

product-image in courtesy of Joe Astarita